Contracts & Agreements
Ambulance ServiceClark County Investment ServicesClark County NetmotionCRESA Intergraph CADCRESA InterlocalFit Testing EquipmentHydrant AgreementMutual Aid Agreement.pdfPort Water Connection AgreementSkamania County FPD #4 Mutual AidSkamania County FPD #4 First ResponseState of Washington Contract Purchasing East County Fire and Rescue -Silver Star Search and Rescue Site Co-Location Agreement.pdfDNR_ECFR Lease Contract_Station 93_2025.pdfDepartment of Natural Resources and ECFR agreement 2024-2029.pdf2023-2025 OPEIU Administrative Contract.pdfIAFF 2025-2027.pdfSR 2016-20 Update ILA Exibit for Cost Allocation.pdfMagellan EAP 2025.pdf